New Beginnings

I started selling Younique products this weekend. And it made me miss Mom. This might sound strange, because my mother was not a big make-up person. But it was her support I was missing. She would have been the first one to buy something from me (probably lip gloss). She would have told her friends (or strangers she talked to in line at Target) about it. She would have supported me. Encouraged me. Planned with me. Networked for me. It’s just a part of who she was. As a mother to me, but to so many others as well. Mom was always proud of her family’s and friends’ accomplishments, talents, achievements … Who else would record every. single. time. I sang in church, and actually go back and listen to them? Or drive to Indiana to see her niece’s college theater production? Or attend countless Quiz Bowl tournaments all over Arkansas to cheer for her son? Mom was an encourager. She always had something good to say about someone else. And, I’ve heard from so many of all of the wonderful (probably biased) things she had to say about me. I’ve never seen anyone who loved better … 

Father, help me to love people like my mother did. To encourage them. To strive to bring out the best in them. To point them toward You. 

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