IF & Discipleship

This weekend, IF:Gathering focused a lot on discipleship. One of the things that stuck out to me is how simple the process really is. Love people and invite them in to your life.

My mom did this so well. I learned so many small things from her example. One thing that she particularly challenged me on was, “If someone is on your mind, let them know.” She heard it somewhere, wrote it on the white board in the kitchen, and lived it out. Sending a card, making a phone call, or sending a text. It’s really that simple sometimes.

But, she taught me to go a little further than that. She showed up for people. When important things happened, or when they just needed a friend. Sometimes people don’t realize how much their simple presence means. Your presence can change someone’s day, perspective, sometimes even the course of their life. 

So, my challenge to you (and myself), is this: Be the person who loves. Be the person who welcomes. Be the person who remembers. Be the person who shows up. You never know the impact you may be making.

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