Light and Momentary

I read somewhere that grief doesn’t lessen with time, it just hits you less frequently. I didn’t fully understand that until recently. 
I had a few weeks of normalcy and busyness, then I just missed Mom with the same intensity I felt right after we lost her. It felt almost debilitating. Like I truly couldn’t handle ONE more thing – I was already at capacity. Yet, the ‘grace period’ of grief has lapsed with so many people. There is an expectation that I’ve ‘moved on’ with my life, so to speak. I’m supposed to have found my new normal, and handle things the same way I did before 2015 happened. And, that’s true in many ways.
But not always. 

Thankfully, I have a husband and a few very close friends who will just listen and let me cry. Sometimes that’s all you can do. Cry, and pray that tomorrow you will be back to your ‘new normal’ … Whatever that looks like.

If you’re walking through your own grief journey right now, I pray that you have those few close people who will just sit with you and let you cry. Then, encourage you to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Because this is not our home. And, these light and momentary troubles cannot begin to compare to the glory that awaits us.