Normal … or extraordinary?

When we first found out Mom had cancer, she told us that God would use this. He would use our family and our story. I remember thinking, “Okay, we can tell people how Mom got through these treatments, and we loved and encouraged her, and trusted God as she was healed.” That was my plan. Not God’s plan. 
I’ll admit, I’m grieving as I process through this. Sometimes I like my plan better than God’s – anybody else ever feel that way? “God, if you would just do this, everything would be great. Thanks.” 

But, God is not a genie. He is GOD. He created us. He created everything. And, I can only see a teeny, tiny snippet of his plan. So, I have to trust His plan. I have to remember all of the truths I know about Him. He loves me. He loves my family. He is good. He saved me. He is in control. His way is perfect. And so many more … 

Another truth a friend reminded me of this weekend is that God is BIG. More than we can fathom. So, He can handle my pain, my sadness, my anger. And, He will help me get through it and grow through it, if I will allow Him. “And we know that for those who love God, all things work together for good…” (Romans 8:28)

So, back to Mom. She believed that God would use this situation for His glory, and I know that He already has. My prayer is that He will use me and my journey to glorify Him and to impact others. This weekend, I heard a quote at IF:Gathering. 

“Maybe I wanted normal [life], but God wanted extraordinary.” 

If I can’t have normal, then may God make my life extraordinary for Him.